Okay, so when I wrote this, most people still had no idea what was going on, and I'd looked some of it up, but I did not have a whole lot of information. This is all just me trying to make it make sense in my head, I know it's irreverent and off color, and all sorts of wrong as far as information goes, but that's because I was working with a lot of speculation and not a whole lot of fact.
I know it probably didn't have anything to do with exams or anything. I warned you that it wasn't going to be serious. This is how I cope. I'm sorry if I offended anyone or made anyone upset or uncomfortable. That was not my intention.
As I'm sure most of you already know, there was a shooting today at Virginia Tech again. No where near as bad as April 16, 2007, but still it is sad. My heart goes out to the family of the two deceased and for the criminal still at large, because obviously someone here needs more love in their life.
I don't want to make over-light a serious situation, but a lot of times my reaction to shocking things is to come up with witty remarks to buffer the harsh reality of tragedy.
I was one of those people who thought the "What's shakin' Haiti?" jokes were hilarious the day after.
But I'm going to bring up a pretty good point with it too, I think.
Exams are not that serious, guys. There is no need to shoot people over them. Everyone's stressed out and having a rough time. Yes, it's also the Christmas Season. Chill out. Nothing is that serious, especially not college exams.
Okay, I think that got my point across fairly well. Dry humor. Dry, Dark humor.
Not to mention, since the first victim (not the officer) was found in a parking lot, how many people want to bet it was a drug deal gone wrong? I mean, I'm just saying, there are exams coming up, people want academic performance enhancing drugs, shit goes down in a parking lot, some guy doesn't get his Adderall and he goes a little nuts, then he realizes he just killed someone over exams, gets caught by a police man, panics, and shoots again. Doesn't it make sense?
I think it does...
Again, I really don't want to over do the funny here, because this is a serious matter. I feel immensely sorry for the families of the officer, the person in the parking lot and the shooter, as well as all the students and faculty on and around campus. Not a single one of them asked for this, and it's truly a horrific matter.
Let's remember the lives of those lost, today, with the solemnity and honor due to their deaths. Please forgive my irreverence previous, as I'm only trying to wrap my head around it still.
And I pray to God that no more untimely death occurs today.
Until Next Time, Dear Readers
The police officer had someone pulled over when the shooter walked up to him and shot him, then ran into the cage, where the 2nd body was found, they aren't saying so yet, but its my suspicion that the second body WAS the shooter, but they won't tell us anything. I don't think it had anything to do with exams, because then the person probably would have shot a teacher instead of the police officer, I don't think it was a random choice.