Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yesterday...Kind of Rocked.

I hate when blogs get all self-centered and focused on the daily life of the blogger. So I'm going to tell you about the great day I had yesterday! :D

As you know, I've been on this dating site for a little while.  Been messaging with a few guys, keepin' it real.  Nothing serious had occurred, though I'd met one of them in person.  It was boring and I was getting tired of it, but I liked talking to a few of the fellas so I was just going to keep going until I was so bored I just up and quit.

And then one of the guys I've been talking to asked me to lunch.  I thought that sounded like a fun idea, as I don't generally do anything out of the ordinary for lunch, and GL was sleeping anyway (it's okay, she found a boy so she needs her sleeps :D).  So I said sure, and we met up at the same pizza place I met the other guy from the same site.

I am SO GLAD this one went better.  I mean, the guy I'd met before, we'll call him UJ, he was alright, but he was just a little standoffish, and while he wasn't exactly mean to our server, he wasn't nice either.  Which I take even more into account now that I myself am something of a server (I don't really count it though because I work at a buffet and I know we don't do anything quite to the rigors of a full restaurant).  MOVING ON.  Anyway, so I just thought he was a boring fellow and he texted me later saying how wonderful it was that we hit it off right away.  And soon, he got annoying, so I've taken to ignoring his texts a little bit.  It's not nice, but then again, why should I have to be?

ANYWAY, so the good things:  So we go out for pizza and our meal goes well, we just sit there talking and hitting it off and such.  He paid, which was amazing.  I've never met a guy who pays for you just because you're a girl.  He says that's how he was raised, but honestly, that's still really just...I'm still in shock and awe over it.  I don't think I expressed that very well to GL when I was telling her all the deets last night, but...Usually guys make us go dutch, mostly because we are all poor college students, but still.  It was just really nice of him.  He totally didn't know why I was thanking him for it, and that was hilarious.  He thought I was talking about the mints.  Which is just silly.

So we leave the restaurant and he tells me he's thought of something fun for us to do, since we're both acquainted with the area pretty well (I mean, I ought to be, I grew up here...) and he suggests going to feed ducks at the local duck pond.  I agree because, hey I haven't done that since I was young enough to want to do that always.  Probably about fifteen years or so.  Rough estimate.  But in order to feed the ducks, we must give them bread, since they do not eat tortillas, (not that it would have mattered, as we did not have tortillas either).  And then we had to figure ourselves through the rigors of trying to figure out where to park the cars, since I don't have a student tag, and I also have no idea where I'm going.  Plus, we still needed to get bread and that was just HIGHLY inconvenient.

So we figured out that we could head to a foodlion near by, grab the bread, leave my car, take his, and walk down to the duck pond.  And that's what we did.  So we found a bench kind of out of the way, because, dude, who wants to be all up in peoples' ways when you're feeding ducks?  So of course where we're sitting there are no ducks.  No ducks at all.  So instead we have this loaf of bread and no ducks to feed it to.  So we sit there at chitchat some more before the ducks finally head over our way, and we attempt to feed them.  Then the ducks swarmed.  It was kind of hilarious, and also kind of frightening.  Have you ever been surrounded by hungry ducks?  You know the feeling.  You go "how on earth is this even happening to me?  This only happens on television!"  and then you realize you still don't live in a tv show and you need to GTFO right now or you'll be eaten by a pack of ducks.  So we got rid of the bread and ran to some gardens on campus.  Then we hung out under this really neat gazebo thing that was absolutely covered in vines.  And we chatted for like...ever.  I left there four hours after we'd met for lunch.

I even let him kiss me :)  THAT's how well it went.  And you know what, I'm totally fine with that.

He wants to go hiking next.  He actually wanted to go this afternoon, but I babysit on Wednesday evenings and had forgotten at the time he brought it up, so we're going to reschedule so that GL and her boy can come too, because it will be AWESOME.  Apparently I'm going to get lots of out doors exercise with this boy.  I'm not totally mad about it. :D

Until Next Time, Dear Readers

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